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Sunday, July 31, 2011

And So.....


Yesterday afternoon I spoke with Dave's wife on the phone.

We had a really nice talk, and I told her that I'd really had her family on my mind and heart lately.

I told her that I had shared her story with many people I knew.
I told her that there were MANY people praying for them, and I'd received many offers of help for her family.
I told her that RH and I would love to take them to lunch if they were willing and figure out if they had any needs that we could help with.
I asked her if they had attended any churches around here and if they would want to come to church with us Sunday and have lunch afterwords.


She told me that after the tornado they made their way to a church they'd heard had free food.
They camped there and helped volunteer in the distribution tent for a full week.
She (Dave's wife Brooke) was "saved" at this church the week before Father's day.


Can you guess what church it was?


I mentioned "divine appointments" before....but apparently I now have my own personal secretary making those appointments?!?!

That "church" was my church.

My family's church.

Same church we've attended for 7 years.

So we went to church together today.
She grabbed my hand and we praised and cried together.

We had lunch with them and had a WONDERFUL talk.

We have ideas.
We have many things to pray about.
We have tons to figure out.

Since we've learned of Dave and his story....many people I know have offered to help Dave and his family.
All of this help is needed.
REALLY needed.
Financial and otherwise.

If you really are willing....
Pray about it.
Think about it.
Discuss it with your family.
Pray some more.
Then....send me a message.
Or an email.
Or call me.

I got the honor of meeting a brother on a street corner.
I got the blessing of being able to hug him and his family.
I got the privilege of hearing an amazing story first-hand.

And now....I am seeing a glimmer of how I might be able to be a small small part in passing on some of the blessings God's given me.....

I'd be more than thrilled to fill in details and share ideas if you feel led to know and help.

Pray....and let me know.

And let me just say....

For the record....

God truly rocks.

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